Monday, November 22, 2010

Dice Release Party

We are back from our trip to Vegas for the issue #35 release party. As always Matt and Dean threw a killer party, and where better than Vegas? Dino's bar was a great choice, there are few bars like this in Vegas. Good little dive bars are pretty rare on the L.V. strip! There was a great turnout and some really cool bikes, but as I started drinking the minute I got off the plane....there are not that many great shots! Or no flash...yeah. I didn't get a picture but there were a ton of bicycles there also, I never saw anyone ride them in or out though so I am not sure what was up with that!? Bicycles are quiet and the Prius.
It was a great turnout even with the cold weather! Bill and Tyler were the only ones to show for the long ride in from CA and made it in good time despite the rain and winds. Andy and the SLC guys made it in, Murray Baxter, our friends Cleen, Craig and Jess, and I am sure many more I am forgetting to mention.
This band was awesome and put on a hell of a show! But...I forgot their name and don't see it on a flyer! Someone help me out here?
And there was some rock n roll karaoke, Dean even got up and sang a little something! Hope to see everyone at the next one! Cheers, Kyle

1 comment:

Dennis said...

Hey Kyle the band's name is the HardCopy Rebels.

Here is their facebook url
