It's that time again! We need your product reviews!
What motorcycle-riding wild man doesn't like free stickers? Perhaps it is a throwback to our neanderthal heritage; plastering your garage with chopper stickers is akin to painting mammoths on your cave wall. Here is how you could end up with some free Lowbrow Customs stickers in your mailbox:
We would like more customer reviews as we believe peer-to-peer reviews on our products will give you honest insight into their quality, fit, and their ability to get you laid on a scale of 1-to-10. Our review system on our website lets you put in Pros, Cons & Comments when you leave a review. We read each and every one, and they help us figure out if there are any issues or products that need improved, and they help out anyone else who is thinking about buying a product but wants the low-down. We will reward this forthcoming by randomly choosing some people who take the time to leave reviews and emailing them for their address so we can send out a nice sticker pack.

Click on the 'Review' tab that is on every single product on our site, and then click on 'Add Your Review' and let us know what you think. You don't have to have an account or anything, just your name, review, and email address (which is not shared or published!). Thanks for your help!