We want to extend a heartfelt THANKS to everyone who helped make our race endeavors at Bonneville Speed Week 2011 a reality. To everyone who bought a support t-shirt from us or one of our land speed racing compatriots, to Wes at Four Aces for his help and guidance, Vanson for the custom-made leathers, Biltwell, Inc. for their continued support as friends and business associates, Jon Glover for being there to capture the week on film (tons of photos and video coming soon!), and we absolutely couldn't have done it without our crew, who dealt with high stress levels, long days, and verbal abuse, all for the love of being there. Denny our dad and crew chief, Greg who seems to be able to thrive on work without need for food or rest, Jon Glover our team photographer for the 2nd year running, with his ninja like abilities to capture all on film without being seen, and Ava for her help and majestic cleaning abilities (which works out well since she also spilled 672 drinks during the course oft he trip, including 492 cups of coffee in the RV).

Kyle and I both set the goals we set out to achieve. Kyle's 'happy speed' was to break 110 mph this year. He did it his first run and went on to break the APS-PG 650 c.c. world record, upping it over 117 mph. I set the record I bent a valve pursing last year and also knocked another one out of the book. The 750 c.c. APS-VG record was set by an Indian motorcycle in 1995 at 105 mph and change, though I have now upped it to about 117 mph. The A-VG (no fairing) record was open, and I set that at a similar 117 mph speed, with a top recorded speed of 120.9 mph.

Between the two of us we did 7 world record runs, with records being broken Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Not bad, this is going to be tough to beat next year! We will be posting more photos and video as Jon gets them over to us. All the photos in this post are by Ava Larkin, thanks Ava!

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